Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Getting Back in the Groove

The holidays are now happy memories, tucked away with the boxes of handmade ornaments, fir scented candles, and empty cookie jars and candy dishes. Gifts have been sorted and neatly tucked in drawers and closets. Holiday linens and dishes washed, dried, and stored until next year. Waking this morning to a neat, bright house, we diligently threw ourselves into our schoolwork. 

No, actually our tree is still fully decorated and dropping pine needles everywhere. The cookie tins still contain a few crumbly chocolate chips, the sunporch is littered with boxes and gift bags, and I just today put away the first of the Christmas linens. Today was Husband's first day back to work after a wonderful week at home, and we certainly did not do any "formal" school work.

Getting back in the rhythm of things can be really hard. The Boy is enjoying playing with his new gifts: legos, stuffed animals, colored pencils, board games. He's not ready to sit at the table for a two hour main lesson. I'm not ready to sit at a table for a two hour main lesson! But we do need to get back to it; we've not yet hit the halfway mark (for our PA required number of days) and my goal is to do so this month.

With the house in disarray, and neither of us willing to knuckle down to "desk work," we spent the day tidying up: sorting gifts, putting away the laundry, and eating the last of the cookies. We also made crystals (from a kit he received as a gift from his Granny), some music theory work, made a pot of potato leek soup, and put some eggs in the incubator. I also put some books around the house, American folk tales and the like; he finished reading the final one this afternoon. So I guess we did do some school work!

Other projects for the week will include preparing new water color paints, creating a presentation for our home school group at the Collinsville Library, drawing interpretive pictures of Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and practicing piano.

To get us back to school mode, tomorrow we'll light our morning candle and recite our verses before tackling the animal care. Each day I'll add a bit of work: adding to our weather tree, painting, form drawing, morning walk. We'll use our afternoons to gradually pack away our Christmas decorations, rearrange the furniture, and re-establish our school space (our dining room). By next week we should be in full swing — learning about decimals!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea! Boy that first paragraph had me scared! I was like whoa you are just too organized! We decided to keep our tree up one more week and are slowly seeping back into a routine---all are in various stages of illness recovery--husband just came down with cold on Friday---that's the worst. Thought I'd have today to pull it together but he's working from home today--yikes no goofing off to be had....thinking about you and wanting to get together....


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